The Prowler

While The Prowler has been in comics since the very late 1960's, not much has been done with him until the past few years. As a potential side-kick for Spider-Man, he actually took on the Spider-Man roll for awhile, for no other reason than to let Peter Parker roam free as CEO of Parker Industries. That has not worked out as well as Hobie had hoped, so he's returning to the Prowler mantle soon.

prowler #1 variant

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #78, November 1969
True Name: Hobie Brown
Second Iteration: Rick Lawson
Also Known As: Spider-Man
Affiliated With: Defenders, Outlaws, and The Wild Pack
Costume Colors: Green and Purple

The Prowler #1

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Writers - Gardner Fox
Pencilers - Murphy Anderson
Inkers - Murphy Anderson
Editors - Julius Schwartz

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